Andrew Kang
Accreditation & Past Accomplishments
- First Class (Honours), Bachelor of Science (NTU-NIE)
- Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal (Top in Science & Math Faculty)
- NSTB (n.k.a A*STAR) Gold Medal (for Best Dissertation)
- Ex-MOE Senior Teacher (Science/Physics)
- Ex-MOE HQ Staff Training Officer
- Ex-MOE HQ Professional Development Officer
- Teachers & Students Voted “Most Innovative & Engaging Teacher” Award (Multiple awards)
- Accelerated & Brain-based Learning Coach DISC & Career Coach

Andrew Kang Physics (Sec) Founder, The Physics Lab / Ecube Science & Math Lab
Mr Andrew Kang was a Senior Teacher (Physics / Science) in MOE who is always passionate about the teaching of Physics. He infused brain-based strategies & intriguing demonstrations into his lessons to help students remember key concepts more effectively and to make learning more meaningful & enjoyable. He had synthesized a comprehensive set of notes & worksheets to challenge students with varying academic abilities & needs, and some of these learning materials are being circulated in some schools! In his 15 years of teaching in MOE schools, he has guided and mentored the younger teachers to excel in their craft of teaching as a Senior Teacher. During his 3 year stint at MOE HQ, he was actively involving in the training of our school educators to help level them up in the area of subject mastery, content & pedagogy. His Physics classes always scored very high distinctions, sometimes almost double that of the national average. One year, there was one class of 40 students that almost scored full distinctions, except for one B3! He was also appreciated & remembered by his students for constantly motivating them to be positive in life, and to achieve their very best by taking measurable & incremental steps towards success!